Report on Success Stories from the Realization of Farmers' Rights

This is a collection of 17 inspiring stories illustrating the achievements already made in implementing all of the measures suggested in the International Treaty. The report also has an introductory part defining success stories in the context of Farmers' Rights, which is a contribution to understanding the contents of these rights, based on the research at the FNI.

Despite huge challenges ahead in implementing Farmers’ Rights as they are addressed in the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, there are many examples of projects, legislation and policies which contribute to their realization. A success story is defined here as a project or activity that has resultet in substantial achievements with regard to one or more of the suggestions for the realization of Farmers’ Rights addressed in the International Treaty. The chosen examples are not necessarily perfect; the main criterion is that significant achievements have been made and that they can provide inspiration for others.

The success stories are sorted into four categories of achievements: The realization of Farmers’ Rights to save, use, exchange and sell farm-saved seed; protection of traditional knowledge related to agricultural biodiversity; participation in benefit sharing and in decision-making. Within each of these categories a handful of stories are offered, 17 stories altogether, from 11 countries.

The success stories in this report tell about achievements in different areas related to Farmers’ Rights, but common features may be discerned. Farmer-scientist collaboration, capacity buliding, community based approaches and participatory approaches are all elements that have proved to be central. Different approaches to develop better legislation and incentive structures for Farmers’ Rights are also important.

The findings in this report suggest that NGOs and farmers organizations play an important role, and that networking can be very valuable. Last, but not least, this report notes the link between Farmers’ Rights and development, and the importance of protecting these rights in order to ensure that what is left of agricultural biodiversity can be maintained, and to ensure the livelihoods of farmers throughout the world.

Best Practices that are contained in the report are:

Around the world much is happening with regard to Farmers' Rights. There is increasing interest around the issue, and despite negative trends there are many examples of projects, legislation and policies which contribute to Farmers' Rights actually being realized. Best practices from a range of countries are presented here to draw attention to some of the very important work being done in this area, and to communicate the possibilities that exist for succeeding with efforts targeted at the realization of Farmers' Rights. The success stories collected here represent only some of the work being done to implement the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, and it is our hope that this collection will grow as more stories are brought to our attention.

A success story is defined here as a project or activity that has resulted in substantial achievements with regard to one or more of the suggestions for the realization of Farmers' Rights addressed in the International Treaty. The chosen examples are not necessarily perfect; the main criterion is that significant achievements have been made and that they can provide inspiration for others. The success stories are sorted into four categories of achievements: success stories from the realization of Farmers' Rights to save, use, exchange and sell farm-saved seed; success stories on traditional knowledge related to agro-biodiversity; success stories on benefit sharing; and success stories on participation in decision-making. In the presentation of these stories, the main successes are highlighted together with the explanations for success and the lessons to be learned. The success stories in this collection tell about achievements in different areas related to Farmers' Rights, but common features may be discerned. Farmer-scientist collaboration, capacity building, community based approaches and participatory approaches are all elements that have proved to be central. A comparison of the stories also suggests that NGOs play an important role and that networking can be very valuable. Last, but not least, the link between Farmers' Rights and development is noted, and the importance of protecting these rights in order to maintain what is left of agro-biodiversity and to ensure the livelihoods of farmers throughout the world.

Thus, Farmers' Rights are critical to ensuring the conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources for food and agriculture and consequently for food security – today and in the future. Farmers' Rights are also a central means in the fight against rural poverty in developing countries.

Click here to see the report.