Old website on new PCPhoto: Regine Andersen / FNI

Some of our readers may remember the first edition of this website as seen at the photo above. The first edition was created and maintained as part of the Farmers' Rights Project of the Fridtjof Nansen Institute (FNI), with financial support of the sectorial GTZ (now GIZ) project People, Food and Biodversity which was implemented on behalf of the German BMZ. The previous website presented information that had systematically been compiled from 2005 until 2012 on all the topics that are also covered by the new website. Thus, the new website builds on this material, but has been redesigned and is being updated with regard to all information. We hope the website will be a useful tool for the realization of Farmers’ Rights.

Click here (PPTX, 153MB) to find a guide to the website.