Key barriers to Farmers' Rights
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This section will reflect on the state of realization of Farmers' Rights in different countries and regarding the various elements of these rights. The key barriers to achieving Farmers' Rights as well as possibilities to overcome them will also be highlighted here.
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Study national and international policies and laws regarding their contributions to the realization of Farmers' Rights.
Here, you will find a list of relevant peer-reviewed articles and books, as well as central reports on Farmers' Rights that apply a regional or national focus. The resources are organized region-wise, using the definition of regions applied by FAO, and chronologically under each region.
Creating awareness sector wise can be done by inviting representatives from the various relevant organizations and institutions within each of the sectors pertaining to Farmers' Rights to sector wise workshops and/or seminars. This can be done at the national and/or regional level, depending on the size of the country and available resources.
Here you will find a list of the most central international documents on Farmers’ Rights related to crop genetic resources. Also, the most relevant international documents for the realization of Farmers’ Rights have been included.
There is a wealth of literature on the management of plant genetic resources. The following list provides some titles of relevance for Farmers' Rights, but is not intended to be exhaustive. It seeks to cover different aspects of the management of plant genetic resources from various perspectives and to provide some points of departure for further reading.
There is a sizeable literature on intellectual property rights to plant genetic resources. The following titles have been selected because they address Farmers' Rights explicitly in this context, or because their findings appear particularly relevant in the context of Farmers' Rights.
Since the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture was adopted, a number of articles and reports have been produced. The titles selected here address farmers' rights within this broader context.