Option 10B
Realize Farmers’ Rights through reviewing and, as appropriate, adjusting, intellectual property law and/or related procedures.
Realize Farmers’ Rights through reviewing and, as appropriate, adjusting, intellectual property law and/or related procedures.
Realize Farmers’ Rights through reviewing and, as appropriate, adjusting seed laws and/or related procedures.
Realize Farmers’ Rights through reviewing and, as appropriate, adjusting national laws for access and benefit-sharing and/or related procedures
This is the tenth category of options to encourage, guide and promote the realization of Farmers’ Rights in the Options Document. It comprises options for legal measures for the implementation of Farmers’ Rights, such as legislative measures related to PGRFA.
Promote understanding and raise awareness of the importance of Farmers’ Rights.
Strengthen farmers’ and their organizations’ capacities to effectively participate in policy dialogue and decision-making processes.
Enhance farmers’ and their organizations’ technical and/or organizational capacities, systems of knowledge and management that foster biodiverse systems, conservation and sustainable use of PGRFA.
This is the ninth category of options to encourage, guide and promote the realization of Farmers’ Rights in the Options Document. It comprises options for training, capacity development and public awareness creation.
Ensure representation and effective participation of farmers and/or their organizations in national advisory committees, commissions, councils or working groups addressing issues relating to the conservation, management and sustainable use of PGRFA.
Organize policy dialogue processes with participation of farmers and/or their representative organizations.
This is the eighth category of options to encourage, guide and promote the realization of Farmers’ Rights in the Options Document. It comprises options for farmers’ participation in decision-making at local, national and sub-regional, regional and international levels.
Involve farmers in the characterization, evaluation and selection of PGRFA, including landraces/farmers’ varieties, and/or new varieties, populations and genebank accessions.