Option 9B
Strengthen farmers’ and their organizations’ capacities to effectively participate in policy dialogue and decision-making processes.
For farmers and their organizations to effectively participate in policy dialogue and decision-making processes, it may be necessary to strengthen their capacities, especially in situations where farmers lack experiences regarding interactions with policy makers and relevant institutions. Training, strategy or specific writing workshops as well as exchange and exposure visits or consultations may all be part of such initiatives.
Government, community-based, research and civil-society organizations as well as international donors may all play important roles in supporting such initiatives, e.g. by funding and/or organizing such measures. These organizations may wish to pay special attention to ensuring effective participation of men, women and youth in such activities, so that their needs and concerns can be addressed equally.
Example(s) of possible measures:
- Farmer-codeveloped ordinance on agriculture (Sustainable Agriculture Code of the Municipality of Arakan, North Cotabato, Philippines) (Philippines/Asia). Click here
- Sowing Diversity=Harvesting Security (SD=HS) Program (2/2) – policy work (China, Guatemala, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Peru, Uganda, Vietnam, Zambia, Zimbabwe/Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa). Click here