Option 10A
Realize Farmers' Rights within the national legislation, administrative and policy framework relevant for the conservation and sustainable use of PGRFA.
Laws and policies pertaining to PGRFA, agriculture and the environment, as well as their related procedures, may be created or amended to support the realization of Farmers’ Rights. Such policies and laws may cover issues such as, for example, national legislation on biodiversity conservation, GMOs, PGRFA, seeds, plant variety protection, rights of peasants, local and indigenous communities. They may address Farmers’ Rights in a holistic manner and/or focus on specific aspects that are deemed particularly relevant in certain situations.
This may include laws and procedures for recognizing the efforts made by custodian/guardian farmers, local and indigenous communities, regarding the conservation and sustainable use of PGRFA; for the protection of traditional knowledge related to the conservation and sustainable use of PGRFA; or for the representation of farmers, local and indigenous communities in decision-making bodies and/or advisory boards of government institutions working on matters that are related to PGRFA. Such laws and related procedures may further protect and safeguard farmers’ seed systems and related practices.
Example(s) of possible measures:
- Provisions on Farmers’ Rights in Biodiversity Act of Bhutan, 2003, and Access and Benefit Sharing Policy of Bhutan, 2015 (Bhutan/Asia). Click here
- Farmers’ Rights of the Nations and Rural Native Indigenous Peoples (Bolivia/Latin America and the Caribbean). Click here
- Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act, 2001 (India/Asia). Click here
- Presidential Decree protecting the Centre of Origin and Diversity (Mexico/Latin America and the Caribbean). Click here
- Law Establishing the Moratorium on Living Modified Organisms for a period of 10 years (Law No. 29811) (Peru/Latin America and the Caribbean). Click here