Option 2A
Provide funds for farmers, farming communities and their organizations who conserve, develop and sustainably use PGRFA, including for capacity development.
Farmers’ and farming communities’ activities for the conservation, development and sustainable use of PGRFA may require funding to ensure the preservation of PGRFA that are maintained in situ/on-farm, particularly in centres of origin and crop diversity. Such funds may also contribute to enhancing knowledge sharing among custodian/guardian farmers, developing their technical and organizational capacities, and/or raising public awareness.
Such funds may rely, for example, on public budgetary resources, donor support, including international cooperation, or voluntary contributions of private enterprises. They may be made available in various forms, including via temporary or long-term contributions to the budgets of implementing organizations or as competitive funds for which farmers or farmer organizations may apply.
Women and men may be involved in the conservation and sustainable use of different crops and varieties, and/or hold specific knowledge, based on the activities they engage in. Donors and implementing organizations may thus want to carefully consider how the interests and needs of men and women can be taken into account equally in the design of such funding activities.
Example(s) of possible measures
- Competitive fund of the Ministry of Agriculture of Chile to support innovation in the agricultural, agrifood and forestry sector (Chile/Latin America and the Caribbean). Click here
- Implementing the ITPGRFA in Italy - The National Programme RGV/FAO (Italy/Europe). Click here
- AGUAPAN (Asociación de Guardianes de Papa Nativa del Centro de Peru)(Peru/Latin America and the Caribbean). Click here
- Rolling the National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (NAP-PGRFA) together with farmers’ organizations (Switzerland/Europe). Click here