Option 2B
Contribute voluntarily to the Benefit-sharing Fund (BSF) of the International Treaty.
The Benefit-sharing Fund (BSF) of the International Treaty invests directly in projects supporting farmers in developing countries in conserving crop diversity in situ/on-farm; it also supports projects and innovative partnerships aiming to adapt PGRFA to changing needs. All developing countries that are Contracting Parties to the International Treaty are eligible to apply for funding under the BSF9 .
The BSF relies primarily on payments made by users who obtain PGRFA through the Multilateral System of the International Treaty. In addition to such mandatory payments, Contracting Parties and stakeholders may also decide to make voluntary contributions to the BSF to share benefits that arise more generally from the use of PGRFA in the breeding and seed sector, or beyond (e.g. agriculture and food industry).
To illustrate the idea of sharing benefits, such payments may correspond to a specific share of the value that is created in the economic sector that is being referred to. Alternatively, a fixed amount may be pledged as an annual support.
Example(s) of possible measures
- External funding – public and private sources (France/Europe). Click here
- Annual support to the Benefit-sharing Fund (BSF) (Norway/Europe). Click here