Andersen, R., and Berge, G. (2007, September 18-20). Informal International Consultation on Farmers' Rights, Lusaka, Zambia
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The informal international consultation in Lusaka gathered 27 participants from 20 countries and most regions of the world. They all participated in their personal capacities, coming from various backgrounds, including ministries of agriculture, gene banks, research institutions, farmers' organizations and nongovernmental organizations. The consultation consisted of six sessions, each starting with brief introductions by some of the participants, with the main emphasis on the discussions. One aim of the consultation was to identify key-issues of importance for the implementation of Farmers' Rights and to facilitate a process towards the realization of Farmer' Rights by the national governments, while acknowledging Farmers' Rights as vital for food security and the future of our agricultural plant genetic heritage. On the basis of the discussions and by taking account of comments from the participants, Norway and Zambia prepared an input paper to be submitted to the Governing Body for consideration at its Second Session.
The report starts out with a summary of results from the consultation. Then it summarizes the introductions and discussions, and provides an insight into the shared understandings, experiences and ideas on how to protect and promote Farmers' Rights. The last part of the report is a collection of the papers presented at the consultation. The programme of the Lusaka Consultation and the list of participants can be found in the annex.