Find other literature relevant to Farmers' Rights
Here you will find a list of relevant peer reviewed articles and books, as well as central reports, about topics relevant to Farmers’ Rights. These are topics that are often associated with the realization of Farmers’ Rights or which affect such realization and where there is substantial literature. The topics and lists are not exhaustive but seek to cover some of the central literature.
The literature is organized in eight categories:
Literature on the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
Literature on other forms of community-based management of crop genetics
Literature on traditional knowledge relevant for the realization of Farmers’ Rights
Literature on access and benefit-sharing relevant for Farmers' Rights
Literature on the effects of intellectual property rights and seed legislation on Farmers' Rights
Other literature relevant for the realization of Farmers' Rights
Please contact us here if you have information about high-quality literature which you deem relevant for the topics in the context of Farmers' Rights.