Vernooy, R., Mulesa, T. H., Gupta, A., Jony, J. A., Koffi, K. E., Mbozi, H., Singh, P. B., Shrestha, P., Tjikana, T. T., & Wakkumbure, C. L. K. (2020). The role of community seed banks in achieving farmers' rights
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This article addresses the question of how Community Seed Banks (CSBs) contribute to the establishment of the farmers’ rights defined by the ITPGRFA. After explaining the origin, main definitions and implementation modalities of farmers’ rights, four case studies from Côte d’Ivoire, India, Zimbabwe and Bangladesh are presented. The article concludes with the statement, that CSBs can be an effective platform for realising farmers’ rights as defined by the ITPGRFA and, in some cases, in broader terms. They can be instrumental in establishing comprehensive farmers’ rights, although the degree and depth may vary according to the national context. The need for mainstreaming CSBs in national policies and learning from experiences in other countries is emphasized.