Bocci, R., and Chiari, T. (Eds.) (2009): The Sustainable Use of Agrobiodiversity in Italy: Report on case studies on article 6 of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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This report presents the status of sustainable use of agrobiodiversity in Italy and various case studies related to article 6 of the Plant Treaty is offered. As a starting point the relationship between sustainable use and Farmers' Rights is discussed and the implementation of the Plant Treaty in Italy is analyzed. Italy's National Plan for Agrobiodiversity is presented, along with the regional legislation for the protection of local varieties. The implementation of the EU directive on conservation varieties is also discussed. Research and innovation initiatives in support of the seed plan are presented and the implementation of the Rural Development Plans is discussed in relation to incentives for agrobiodiversity. Varieties like the White Sperlonga Celery and the Quarantina potato are presented through case studies. As an example of the synergies that can exist between Natural Parks and agrobiodiversity, the case of Abruzzo is presented. In a concluding chapter the report discusses whether consumer choice can foster more diversified farming systems and the lessons learned from direct sale in Tuscany.